Podcasts Now Available on iTunes and our Superbowl Trivia Contest Continues
So, CBRNPro.net's Superbowl party got a little crowded...
Carl is glad he filled his canteen with Budweiser. Image: Department of Defense 1991.
By the way, did you know CBRNPro.net has podcasts? Now you do. Please check out our podcasts page or iTunes to download and listen.
Also, there are two trivia questions from yesterday's Superbowl CBRN trivia contest still awaiting a correct answer. Contest will run until someone gets the answers. Winners receive a free "Keep Calm and Decon" Bumper Sticker.
It is a busy week here, so please stay tuned to CBRNPro.net for a new blog post about the trouble with CBRN plume modeling, and a book review of Philip Ball's Serving the Reich: The Struggle for the Soul of Physics under Hitler.
Until then, when in doubt,